Are you sure you want to finish the test even if you haven't answered all the questions?
Pass the international language exam without effort and stress. Setting the intensity of teaching is up to you!
The Cambridge Exam is an internationally recognized exam and qualification in English language proficiency.
Our accredited exam preparation courses will give you a sense of confidence and help you get the best possible result.
During the lessons of our preparatory courses, you will deal in detail with all parts of a specific exam. This includes practice tests, mastering the best techniques for passing the exam and improving the general level of English.
You can set the intensity of teaching yourself when ordering individual lessons or take the set group courses - 12-week, 8-week or 5-week intensive course.
Choose a course and its intensity -> Use the experience and talent of our lecturers -> Pass an internationally recognised exam

The First Certificate of English (FCE)
The B2 First exam (formerly known as FCE) tests English at the B2 level and is the most common of all Cambridge English exams. The exam will be used by everyone who needs to confirm their level of English at the admission procedure to a university or at work. It proves that you are able to speak and write English at such a level that you can live and study independently in English-speaking countries. This opens the door to the academic and professional world, increases your competitiveness not only in the labor market, but also in academic life. It is recognised in business and industry, in administration or in services

The Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
The C1 Advanced Exam (formerly known as CAE) is a Cambridge exam that tests English at the C1 level. The exam confirms that your level of English is very advanced, you achieve a full standard of language in most situations at work and study and you have the ability to understand long academic texts. Unlike B2 First (formerly FCE), this exam expects you to be able to understand broader contexts and to be able to derive meaning from a text called "being able to read between lines". Vocabulary is also more demanding. Most institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad require the C1 Advanced level for admission to university or employment. The exam is also recognised by most British universities as proof of the ability to study subjects taught in English.

The Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
The C2 Proficiency Exam (formerly known as CPE) is a Cambridge exam that tests English at the C2 level. It is a proof of the highest level of English, for which the candidate is able to understand any type of spoken speech, live or broadcast, and use English in any context at the level of an educated native speaker. C2 Proficiency is suitable for those who want to study at a university abroad or apply for a job for which a very advanced level of English is required.