Czech lecturer
Angličtina pro lidské zdroje (HR) - 1x týdně

1. Kdo kurz povede?
2. Co se v kurzu naučím?
- Speak more accurately and fluently
- Successfully participate in meetings and negotiations
- Conduct more thorough and effective recruitment interviews in aj
- You will improve your written English
- You will expand your range of HR vocabulary
- Communicate more reliably about HR issues
3. Jak určím svoji jazykovou úroveň?
4. Harmonogram kurzu?
English for Human Resources (HR)
This course will provide you with English language skills that will help you in a variety of HR situations. You will focus on areas such as job interviews, performance reviews, personnel discussions and training plans in meetings and over the phone.
Course topics include:
- Recruitment, including interviews and writing job advertisements
- Labour Code
- Organization and leadership
- Problems in the workplace
- Dismissal procedures
- Job performance evaluation techniques
- Language skills such as: Spoken communication including meetings, negotiations, telephone skills, presentations
- Written communication - e-mails, messages, formal letters
- Social English - hosting visits, socializing, meeting and greeting